Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Help!!! How Do I Get My Un-involved Groom Involved?

A wedding is time where a bride and groom make the decision to profess their love for one another in the company of their closest family and friends. It is a time where the bride and groom can come together as a team and intertwine their different ideas to create their dream wedding right? Well, while there are a few grooms out there that participate in the planning, there are far too many that would rather just show up on wedding day and enjoy the wonderful wedding that his bride pulled together. So, how do you entice your groom to get involved in planning your wedding? Let’s face it, we know that they are men and there a lot of aspects about a wedding that men are just not interested in. However, there are a lot of areas that I guarantee they would love to participate in. For example, I assure you that your groom will attend the taste testing with the Caterer. This is a great way to get his opinion on what he would like to serve at the wedding. Also, if you are going to hire some sort of transportation for you and your new hubby to make your grand exit in, this is a great task to give to your groom. Guys love cars and the idea of being able to leave in a vintage or fancy car makes them happy. These are just a few ideas but just remember that he is part of your big day more than anyone else and try to include him or listen to his advice whenever the occasion arises!

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